
Calisthenics education

Teaching Calisthenics

Thanks to the many years of experience of our coaches in providing calisthenics classes, we have seen many practical examples of the development of exercises in athletes. Learning calisthenics exercises requires not only the most effective progression exercises, but also the correct points of attention. We work with almost all (secondary) schools in our area and our coaches have already provided more than 7000 hours of calisthenics lessons in total. It is our mission to develop extremely effective calisthenics education programs for young people, young adults and adults with which they can learn calisthenics.

calisthenics education

The order of learning calisthenics exercises

Because every body is different, it can be difficult to determine the best route in which calisthenics exercises can best be taught. In general, it is important to implement as many types of exercises as possible in a training program, so that not only all muscles of the body are trained equally, but also technical and neurological movements develop slowly. All in all, it is important to let a body use all its muscles as efficiently as possible, with as little heavy stress as possible on a muscle.

calisthenics trainers

The Bodyweight Power Level

Our coaches have developed a unique and challenging program where young people and adults can test their skills in calisthenics exercises at a certain level. This makes it clear which calisthenics exercises can best be given attention to learn calisthenics in the most effective, fast and safe way.
The Bodyweight Power Level Roadmap is a unique calisthenics education project from our coaches and free for anyone to view. The exercises in the Bodyweight Power Levels are not described in detail or provided with examples for correct execution, but only serve as an indication to determine a level and to map out the next attention exercises.

Bodyweight Power Level calisthenics education

How the Bodyweight Power Level skill tree works

  • All calisthenics practitioners (or beginners) should start at level 1.
  • By performing the various exercises for the specified number of repetitions, you can determine that he or she has mastered this variant for this level.
  • All exercises in one level must be performed in the specified order in one workout. As much rest as necessary may be taken between exercises.
  • When an athlete can perform all exercises in a level for the specified number of repetitions (i.e. without a break between repetitions), you can determine that he or she has reached that level.
  • After completing a level, you can look at the exercises of the next level. This makes it very easy to see which exercises he or she can best focus on to achieve the fullest and widest possible development in strength, endurance, speed and technique. The practitioner can thus try to progress a level every few training sessions.


Every day we are involved in developing calisthenics training programs, organizing accessible and professional events, contributing to many (inter)national competitions, developing judging mechanisms, helping initiators to realize public calisthenics parks, communicating and consulting with pioneers all over the world and creating a huge amount of online content and data to bring calisthenics to the attention.

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