
Calisthenics Progression class

Learn what you want to learn

The Calisthenics Progression class is the result of our athletes’ wishes.
Would you like to choose which muscles you want to train today? Or do you really want to focus on the handstand? Then this lesson is most suitable for you.

Calisthenics Progression class

What does the Calisthenics Progression class looks like

During the Calisthenics Progression class you can indicate yourself what you would like to improve and then our coach will guide you with the best exercises for you. A training is actually designed for you (and possibly others with the same goal). After explaining the exercises, you can start the training at your own pace. Progression workouts are suitable to do with a friend, but also when you want to focus specifically on one part of your body or one unique exercise.

We always finish the Calisthenics Progression class together with a nice stretch session.

Level: The Progression lesson is suitable for all levels.
Ages: 14+

Calisthenics progression class

Scheduled Calisthenics Progression classes


  • Calisthenics Progressie

    Train richting je eigen doelen tijdens de progressieles, inclusief stretchen


  • Calisthenics Progressie

    Train richting je eigen doelen tijdens de progressieles, inclusief stretchen


  • Calisthenics Progressie

    Train richting je eigen doelen tijdens de progressieles, inclusief stretchen

Other types of calisthenics classes

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